Medical Humanities and the Media

The Media and Medicine podcast with Kirsten Ostherr was extraordinarily intriguing and overall thought-provoking. It's obvious that the topics presented can facilitate a wide variety of conversations that surround the how the media. Has been a cohesive unit of medicine and healthcare. Especially, within this generation, television, Netflix, and other direct streaming services have become... Continue Reading →

Media and Medicine

The interview by Medea Vox was very interesting and help me learn about media and medicine in a variety of different ways.  One topic that was interesting was the use of medical imaging in medical reality shows, medical dramas, and medical fiction.  It was discussed how in all of these shows specifically the dramas, and... Continue Reading →

Usefulness: Public Medical Humanities

In our present moment in America, the public conversation is much concerned with bodies, safety, access, care--some of the central concerns of the medical humanities. It's so deeply striking to me, too, how much of this conversation is being led by your generation, and how protests and voicings are taking new forms, and new arguments... Continue Reading →

Media and the Medical Humanities

I found the Medea Vox podcast very interesting to listen to, as it brought about and discussed a relationship between the historically significant topic of medicine and the modern topic of a media based culture. I agreed with Kirsten Ostherr's opening point about the medical humanities; how traditionally, medicine was only about disease and never... Continue Reading →

Media and Humanities

This piece with the ever so fascinating to listen to Kirsten Ostherr, is a fantastic piece on what the medical humanities means in the real world today. It is something not even she thought she would be doing when she was in a media concentration in college, and post grad, but nevertheless she entered the realm because... Continue Reading →

Media and Medicine

The MCAT recently revamped their test to include and recognize not only the science and technical aspect of becoming a doctor but also the humanity aspect of practicing medicine. I learned about Belgium's campaign to encourage individuals searching for answers to medical problems to not trust online website sources, however this sparked notions that everything... Continue Reading →

Media and Medical Humanities

This podcast, On Media and Medicine, an interview with Kirsten Ostherr, was very interesting. It covered a broad range of topics and I learned a lot of new information. This episode was about what do movies, TV dramas and social media have to do with real life doctor patient relationships? Ostherr discussed about the relationship between media... Continue Reading →

Kirsten Ostherr Medea Vox Interview

The podcast by Medea Vox, interviewing Kirsten Ostherr was extremely interesting as they covered a wide array of topics. One of the earlier topics that the interview discussed was the idea of 'google doctors' or the idea that patients try to use the internet to diagnose or treat themselves instead of listening to medical professionals. At first... Continue Reading →

Media and Medicine

In this podcast Kristen Ostherr talks about how media and medicine are essentially colliding in our modern culture. Specifically, on how people nowadays tend to google their medical problems and the accurate information for what these people need is just not there. And more often than not the things people find using the internet for... Continue Reading →

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